Discover Outstanding photography, expert advice, and professional education from top Bahamas photographer, Lyndah Wells.
With over 700 islands and thousands of venues, how could you possibly choose one location for your Bahamas wedding? We know. It’s scary and intimidating. As soon as you think you’ve found the perfect spot, you stumble across one you love even more! Or, you’re working against a budget. We’ve gone through the trouble of […]
When Fellicia & Shaun booked their vacation to Freeport, They had no idea that in less than a year they would be back for their Grand Bahama destination wedding. But that’s exactly what happened after they fell in love with the Island. They chose to forgo a hotel planned wedding and instead delved in to do it […]
Grand Bahama wedding destination couple Michaela & Ryan met whilst working together in a country bar. At the end of a particularly long shift Ryan bought her a hotdog from a street vendor as they left work. They went on just one date before Michaela knew Ryan would be her boyfriend. Fast forward two weeks […]
High school sweethearts, Nicky & Dom celebrated their union in front of friends and family here at a beach ceremony at the Grand Lucayan in Freeport, Grand Bahama where they grew up. It is always fun document local wedding as it’s guaranteed that I will know so many people attending:) They decided on a first […]