When Grant emailed to let me know he & his fiancee were flying into Grand Bahama to check out possible destination wedding venues and inquired about an e-session I quickly replied and got the ball rolling. After several emails suggesting locations, he sent me photos of what Jennifer-Ann was going to wear and I just knew I had to step it up a notch!!!!
Wow! What a dress and what a stunning couple!
We scheduled an early morning shoot with the fabulous make up artist Leshan Fergusuon arriving at 7am to apply Jenn’s make-up, we got started at 8am on the grounds of The Grand Lucayan hotel.
Bumping into Jenn’s parents mid way through the shoot, they insisted of taking photos of me with Grant and Jenn before wondering off.
I had wanted to take advantage of the outdoor chess pieces & when Grant swung Jenn back and her hair started blowing in the cool morning breeze and the split in her dress revealed her leg, I knew that would be my favorite shot of the day.
After showing them some previews and giving them some time to change into their second outfit, we walked over to Port Lucaya. Getting clients to relax is a very important part of getting great shots and one of the best ways to do this is to ask them to tell you their story,” The story of how they met” and what a story theirs was! Speed dating, yep that’s how they met and when Jenn told me all the different things she did to get Grant’s attention, we were all laughing so hard.
It’s beautiful to see a couple so in love and I just love how these images turned out.